Amplifying the Impact of Charitable Giving

Where Marketing Expertise Meets
Giving Back

The PODvocate Project is an organization built to lend marketing and other business-related expertise to existing nonprofits and charities. The purpose is to elevate other organizations’ efforts, propelling them forward, and helping them reach their goals in sustainable and unique ways that would otherwise be inaccessible.

We rally a team of experts to provide over 1,000 hours of work every other year, and our fundraising efforts also allow us to give back in exciting ways beyond the hours of work we put in. With passion and expertise, we strive to provide effective, long-lasting marketing and fundraising initiatives to other organizations that are already doing meaningful work.


The PODvocate Project aims to create meaningful, sustainable, positive impacts on the world around us. We want to make our mark and leave our footprint in areas that matter to the team at POD Marketing Inc. Every other year, our team chooses an organization to support as our current project. We perform an in-depth needs analysis and seek to offer professional services that fill the biggest gaps we identify. We will plan precisely, execute passionately, and deliver with impact.

Core Values

Hard Working

Our work ethic keeps us grounded and motivated to execute high-quality work in service of our chosen charity.


Our high energy is contagious, permeating every aspect of our project from inception to execution.


Our desire is to help other organizations succeed—any recognition we receive is simply a bonus, not the goal.


Our efforts will be measurable, with results driven by sustainable long-term success far after our involvement.


Our chosen charities will know exactly how we go about our business and why we make the decisions we do to serve them.

Our Annual


Every other year, we survey our staff about the causes they care most about.


We send out applications to each organization and select one we believe we can make the greatest impact with.


We run our own fundraising initiatives to further support our chosen charity in new and innovative ways.

We summarize the key learnings and results and provide our chosen organization with a continued marketing strategy they can execute on their own past the 2-year mark.


We review the results and select various organizations that align with those causes.


We present the selected organization with a marketing plan for approval after evaluating their unique goals and needs.


We regularly review the results with the selected organization and provide strategic direction, pivoting when necessary.


Every other year, we survey our staff about the causes they care most about.


We review the results and select various organizations that align with those causes.


We send out applications to each organization and select one we believe we can make the greatest impact with.


We present the selected organization with a marketing plan for approval after evaluating their unique goals and needs.


We run our own fundraising initiatives to further support our chosen charity in new and innovative ways.


We regularly review the results with the selected organization and provide strategic direction, pivoting when necessary.

We summarize the key learnings and results and provide our chosen organization with a continued marketing strategy that they can execute on their own past the 2-year mark.

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Our partner, POD Marketing Inc., embodies a unique, industry-focused approach to digital marketing. Driven by a staff of genuine unicorns in every sense, POD Marketing’s mission is to provide businesses with the edge they need to make an impact.

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