Our Valued Partners

You Let Us
Make an Impact

The PODvocate Project believes in the power of collaboration and the profound impact it has on achieving our mission. We are incredibly grateful for the support and partnership of businesses and individuals who share our vision and dedication to making a difference.

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The PODvocate Project believes in the power of collaboration and the profound impact it has on achieving our mission. We are incredibly grateful for the support and partnership of businesses and individuals who share our vision and dedication to making a difference.

Jimmy Thomson

Jimmy Thomson offers invaluable media training to The PODvocate Project’s partner charities, equipping them with essential skills to effectively share their stories and broaden their impact.

Jimmy is a distinguished journalist and media trainer. His history of contributions to top publications like The Globe and Mail, The Guardian, and CBC, has earned multiple awards, including a National Magazine Award (Ellie Award) and an Edward R. Murrow Award. 

He has taught at prestigious institutions like the University of British Columbia and consulted for businesses, Indigenous groups, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to enhance their media presence.

The Cause

We look forward to welcoming more partners who are eager to contribute to our cause. Each partner brings unique strengths and resources that enrich our ability to support the nonprofits and charities we work with. We’d love to hear from you.

Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change, making a lasting impact on the communities we serve and beyond. We extend our deepest gratitude to our partners for their unwavering support and commitment to our mission.

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Our partner, POD Marketing Inc., embodies a unique, industry-focused approach to digital marketing. Driven by a staff of genuine unicorns in every sense, POD Marketing’s mission is to provide businesses with the edge they need to make an impact.

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