Where You Can Find The
PODvocate Project

Part of the

We’re proud members of the Calgary community. The vibrant culture, our neighbours who support one another, and the organizations that help improve our incredible city are all part of what makes our community so special. 

The PODvocate Projects exists to assist organizations in amplifying their messaging with effective marketing and securing grants and funding. The PODvocate Project aims to learn continuously so we can improve our processes year after year.

Find out more about our current project and how we can impact your organization. Our project work begins in January every two years—check back soon to learn if our next project theme aligns with your organization!

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Our partner, POD Marketing Inc., embodies a unique, industry-focused approach to digital marketing. Driven by a staff of genuine unicorns in every sense, POD Marketing’s mission is to provide businesses with the edge they need to make an impact.

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